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Phone: 724-503-1001 x5285
Office: Dieter-Porter 008
Email: klohr@frogsoda.com

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Neuroscience, Molecular Biology

Kelly Lohr, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Biology

Degrees: Ph.D. Neuroscience, Emory University; B.S. Neuroscience, Dickinson College

Kelly M. 洛尔是生物系的助理教授. 她教授分子生物学、基因组学和神经科学课程.

Dr. 洛尔在迪金森学院学习神经科学. She earned her Ph.D. 来自亚特兰大埃默里大学的神经科学专业, Georgia where she studied changes to the storage and release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the context of Parkinson’s disease. Prior to joining the faculty at W&J, Dr. 洛尔是波士顿布里格姆妇女医院和哈佛医学院的博士后研究员, 马萨诸塞州研究果蝇神经退行性疾病的遗传因素, Drosophila melanogaster. She has published a number of scientific papers in journals such as The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and American Chemical Society Chemical Neuroscience and has presented her work at national meetings. Her research interests are on gene-environment interactions and secondary contributions to toxicity in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.


  • 张勇,刘建军,刘建军,刘建军,刘建军, & Feany MB. (2021) Lrrk寡聚化控制肌动蛋白 切断和α-突触核蛋白的体内神经毒性. Molec Neurodegen, 16(33). Link to entry
  • Sarkar S, Olsen AL, Sygnecka K, Lohr KM, & Feany MB. (2021) α-synuclein通过异常的肌动蛋白稳定损害自噬体成熟. PLOS Genetics, 17(2). Link to entry
  • Lohr KM, Frost B, Scherzer C, & Feany MB. (2020). 生物素在牛头病模型中拯救线粒体功能障碍和神经毒性. Proc Natl Acad Sci,117(52):33608-33618. Link to entry
  • Branco RC, Burkett J, Black CA, Winokur, E, Elsworth W, Dhamasania, R, Lohr, KM, Schroeder, JP, Weinshenker, D, Jovanovic, T, Miller GW. (2020)水疱单胺转运蛋白2介导小鼠的恐惧行为. Genes Brain Behav, e12634/ Link to entry
  • Lohr KM, Masoud S, Salahpour A, & Miller GW. (2017). 膜转运体作为突触多巴胺动力学的介质:对疾病的影响. Europ J Neurosci, 45(1): 2-33. Link to entry
  • Dunn AR, Stout KA, Ozawa M, Lohr KM, Bernstein AI, Li Y, Wang M, Sgobio C, Sastry N, Cai H, Caudle WM, & Miller GW. (2017)突触囊泡糖蛋白2C (SV2C)调节多巴胺释放 disrupted in Parkinson's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 114(11):2253-2262. Link to entry
  • Lohr KM, Chen M, Hoffman C, McDaniel M, Stout KA, Dunn AR, Bernstein AI, Wang M, & Miller GW. (2016). Vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) level regulates MPTP vulnerability and clearance of excess dopamine in mouse striatal terminals. Toxicol Sci, 153(1):79-88. Link to entry
  • Cliburn RC, Dunn AR, Stout KA, Hoffman CA, Lohr KM, Bernstein AI, Winokur EJ, Burkett J, Shmitz Y, & Miller GW. (2016)小鼠脑内单胺转运蛋白2的免疫化学定位. J Chem Neuroanat, 0618(16)30095-3. Link to entry
  • Stout KA, Dunn AR, Lohr KM, Ozawa M, Alter SP, Cliburn RC, Guillot TS, & Miller GW. (2016) Selective 甲基苯丙胺致敏小鼠腹侧苍白球多巴胺释放增强. ACS Chem Neurosci, 7(10):1364-1373. Link to entry
  • Trossbach SV, Bader V, Hecher L, Pum ME, Schäble S, Prikulis I, de Souza Silva MA, Godsave SF, Peters PJ, Steiner H, Weisshaupt A, Bilzer T, Sauvage M, Boulat B, Chwiesko C, Su P, Liu F, Masoud S, Lohr KM, Stout KA, Miller GW, Bauer A, Ramsey AJ, Brandon NJ, Seeman P, Huston JP, & Korth C. (2016) Misassembly of full length Disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) protein is linked to altered dopamine homeostasis and behavioral deficits. Mol Psych, 21(11):1561-1572. Link to entry
  • Lohr KM, Stout KA, Dunn AR, Wang M, Salahpour A, Guillot TS, & Miller GW. (2015). Increased vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2; Slc18a2) protects against methamphetamine toxicity. ACS Chem Neuroscience, 6(5): 790-799. Link to entry
  • Alter SP, Stout KA, Lohr KM, Taylor TN, Shepherd KR, Wang M, Guillot TS, Miller GW. (2015). Reduced vesicular monoamine transport disrupts serotonin signaling but does not cause serotonergic degeneration. Exp Neurol, 1:17-24. Link to entry
  • Coughlan C, Walker DI, Lohr KM, Lazo CR, Richardson JR, Saba LM, Caudle WM, Fritz KS, & Roede, JR. (2015). Comparative proteomic analysis of carbonylated proteins from the striatum and cortex of pesticide treated mice. Parkinson’s Disease, Art. ID: 812532. Link to entry
  • Liu G, Sgobio C, Gu X, Sun L, Lin X, Yu J, Parisiadou L, Xie C, Sastry N, Ding J, Lohr KM, Miller GW, Mateo Y, Lovinger DM, & Cai H. (2015) Selective expression of Parkinson’s disease-related Leucine-rich Repeat Kinase 2 G2019S missense mutation in midbrain dopaminergic neurons impairs dopamine release and dopaminergic gene expression. Hum Mol Genet, 24(18):5299-312. Link to entry
  • Lohr KM & Miller GW. (2014) VMAT2与帕金森病:利用多巴胺囊泡. Expert Rev Neurother, 14:1-3. Link to entry
  • Lohr KM, Bernstein AI, Stout KA, Dunn AR, Lazo CR, Alter SP,等. (2014) Increased vesicular monoamine transporter expression enhances dopamine release and opposes Parkinson’s disease-related neurodegeneration in vivo. 自然科学进展,2011 (3):997 -998. Link to entry
  • Niblock MM, Lohr KM, Nixon M, Barnes C, Schaudies M, & Murphy M. (2011). 雌性后梯形区的细胞上调c-fos,上调幅度为10%, but not 5%, carbon dioxide. Brain Research, 1433: 62-68. Link to entry